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Watching your baby grow and reach new milestones is one of the most rewarding aspects of parenthood. Each small achievement marks a significant step in their journey toward independence, from their first smile to their first steps.

0-3 Months: The Foundation of Development

In the early months, your baby is adapting to the world around them. They begin to recognize familiar faces, respond to sounds, and develop neck strength through tummy time. Smiles become more intentional, and they start cooing as their way of communicating with you.

4-6 Months: Strengthening Skills and Exploration

By this stage, your baby becomes more active and engaged. They may start rolling over, reaching for objects, and grasping them with greater control. Sitting up with support becomes possible, and their laughter and babbling become more expressive as they experiment with different sounds.

7-9 Months: Movement and Interaction

This is an exciting phase as many babies begin to crawl, pull themselves up, and explore their surroundings with growing curiosity. They may wave, clap, and respond to simple words like “no” or their name. Their fine motor skills improve, allowing them to pick up smaller objects using a pincer grasp.

10-12 Months: Steps Toward Independence

As their confidence grows, your baby may start standing with support and, eventually, take their first steps. Their ability to understand and mimic words increases, and they might say “mama” or “dada” with intent. This stage is filled with rapid learning as they become more interactive and expressive.

Every baby develops at their own pace, so these milestones may vary. Providing a nurturing environment with stimulating activities—such as talking, singing, and reading—can encourage their growth. Tracking their progress helps celebrate their achievements and ensures they receive the support they need for healthy development.

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